Octopus Peka – Octopus under the bell
Octopus under the bell
-Â Â 1.5-2 kg octopus
-Â Â 0,8-1 kg potatoes
-Â Â 4 cloves garlic and 2 dl olive oil
-Â Â Salt
-Â Â Pepper
-Â Â Sprig fresh rosemary
-Â Â If desired you can add more vegetables
-Â Â 1 dl white wine
All the ingredients except the wine to put in a flat round tray and put under the iron bell on fireplace, and left an hour under the embers. After an hour of baking, stir the octopus and potatoes and add a decilitre white wine, cover the cripnja again, and let it bake on the embers for another half hour.
Additional advice for the preparation of the octopus: If you have a fresh octopus it is best to freeze for a day, because then the octopus will be softer. Serve the Peka preferably with homemade bread, and typical dessert prepared in Dalmatian the rožata.   Enjoy!