According to survey on web site apartment NICA Maslinica  is among  top 10  best accommodations in Croatia. In this survey voted more then 6.000 people.{...}
One of the most frequent guests  of Maslinica is Princess Caroline of Monaco on her old fashioned beautiful yacht “Pasha”. Jedan od čestih gostiju Maslinice je Princeza Karolina od{...}
According to its land area, Solta belongs to the medium sized group of Adriatic islands. However, judging it by its natural endowments, it is certainly amongst the most beautiful. Â It{...}
Zahvaljujući “majci prirodi” Maslinica ima jedan od najljepÅ¡ih zalaza sunca na Mediteranu. Kao dokaz tome mogu poslužiti i fotografije koje slijede :{...}